Meet the Crew: Sugar Magnolia

Sugar Magnolia joined the Butters’ family in April of 2018, where she instantly made herself at home.

She was named after the Grateful Dead song of the same name, but all her friends call her Maggie. She loves palling around with her BFF Chad.

A big girl now, Maggie holds an important position as a full-time member of our crew. When not protecting the homestead, she serves as the official Eight Oaks mascot–a position she takes seriously.

In fact, you’ve probably seen her at our farm distillery and kitchen patrolling the perimeter with a giant smile.

Because we’re kid and pup friendly,  Maggie’s favorite job is greeting customers, saying hello, and stealing a kiss or two (or snack) while she’s at it.

Her favorite snack is a good stick, and the bigger the better. We’re convinced she’s part woodchuck.

She likes car rides, chasing deer, and a good puppuccino.


Next time you’re out Maggie would love to say hi to you and your pup! Oh, and give her  a good scritch; she loves scritches!

