Cocktail of the Month: Gimlet

Imagine sailing the high seas in the 19th century, battling the elements, and seeking solace in a refreshing drink. 

Enter the Gimlet cocktail, a timeless blend of gin and lime that’s captivated taste buds for over a century. This intriguing cocktail has a fascinating origin story tied to naval ingenuity, a name shrouded in mystery, and a simple yet delicious recipe. 

Whether you’re a cocktail enthusiast or a history buff, Gimlet’s journey from naval necessity to modern-day favorite will pique your interest and elevate your next happy hour.

Origins of the Gimlet

The exact origins of the Gimlet are shrouded in mystery, with several stories vying for authenticity. However, most accounts trace the cocktail back to the late 19th and early 20th centuries. The Gimlet’s creation is often attributed to the British Royal Navy, a common source of gin-based drinks.

During the 19th century, scurvy was a significant problem for sailors on long voyages. Scurvy, caused by a deficiency of vitamin C, was effectively countered by including citrus fruits in sailors’ diets. The British Navy began issuing lime juice as a preventative measure, which led to the sailors mixing it with their daily gin rations to make the bitter medicine more palatable. Thus, the Gimlet was born out of necessity—blending lime juice and gin in a simple, yet effective concoction.

How the Gimlet Got Its Name

The origin of the name “Gimlet” is also a subject of debate. One popular theory suggests that the cocktail was named after Rear-Admiral Sir Thomas Desmond Gimlette, a British naval doctor who advocated for lime juice to prevent scurvy among sailors. According to the story, Gimlette’s insistence on mixing lime juice with gin to encourage its consumption led to the drink being named in his honor.

Another theory says that the name “Gimlet” derives from the tool known as a gimlet, a small hand drill used for boring holes. The cocktail’s sharp and penetrating taste is said to be reminiscent of the piercing action of a gimlet tool, thus inspiring its name. 

While the origin of the name remains uncertain, both theories highlight the drink’s close association with the British Navy and its practical beginnings.

How to Make a Gimlet

The beauty of the Gimlet lies in its simplicity, requiring just a few ingredients to create a delicious and refreshing drink. Here is the basic recipe for a classic Gimlet:


2 oz gin

3/4 oz fresh lime juice

1/2 oz simple syrup (adjust to taste)


  1. Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.
  2. Add the gin, lime juice, and simple syrup.
  3. Shake well until the mixture is chilled.
  4. Strain the mixture into a chilled cocktail glass or over ice in a rocks glass.
  5. Garnish with a lime wheel or twist for an extra touch of elegance.

For those who prefer a slightly sweeter drink, some variations of the Gimlet include a higher ratio of simple syrup or the use of bottled lime cordial, such as Rose’s Lime Juice, which became popular in the early 20th century.

Come on in during June and try our Gimlet for yourself. 10% of proceeds from Gimlet sales go to the Cancer Support Community of the Greater Lehigh Valley.

The Gimlet is more than just a cocktail; it is a piece of history, a testament to the ingenuity of sailors and the evolution of drinking culture. 

Whether enjoyed on a hot summer day or as a sophisticated evening drink, the Gimlet continues to captivate with its crisp and tangy flavor. Next time you sip on this classic cocktail, remember its storied past and the legacy of those who brought it to life
