Thank you to Our First Intern, Yaki

In partnership with the American Craft Spirits Association (ACSA) and the STEPUP Foundation, Eight Oaks Farm Distillery was one of three distilleries chosen to participate in the inaugural internship program.

We just wrapped up with our first intern, Yakntoro “Yaki” Udoumoh. A self described “city slicker”, Yaki shared his feedback about his time with Eight Oaks.

One thing Yaki was unsure about before getting to Eight Oaks was grain storage. Until he got here, his experiences with grain usually took place near a kitchen, with a bag of flour in his left hand and a scoop in his right. Even with his current contacts of the distilleries he visited, a lot of them dealt with grain stored in bags, which was ordered on an as needed basis.

What Yaki learned was that as a farm distillery Eight Oaks worked differently.

Yaki at Eight Oaks.

There are seven grain bins on our farm, and Yaki got a firsthand look at the important purpose they play in managing grain temperature and moisture, and how they turn into the products we make for our community.
Yaki was at Howard University in their radiation therapy program, while managing his photography business, when he decided to dive head first into the spirits industry. He began work at a bar in College Park, Maryland, as well as an internship at a rum distillery in Washington, D.C.

This started him on a path, which eventually led to Stepup Foundation’s internship program. He looks forward to learning as much as he can from the knowledgeable folks he will meet during his time in the program.

As far as the future, Yaki is excited about his dream of a community-owned distillery.

Yaki and Assistant Distiller Joey Haas.

According to Founder and CEO Chad Butters, “Anytime you have an opportunity to teach, you end up elevating your own game, because it’s an opportunity to review your own processes, which helps us as a company. Stepup did a great job developing the curriculum and structuring the program. Yaki is exceptionally intelligent and brought a lot of expertise from his own experiences, and it was a pleasure having him. At the end of these internships everyone who participated will come away better for taking part in it.”

Carly Butters Snyder, Co-Founder and Chief Operating Officer, enjoyed having Yaki onsite, “It was nice showing Yaki around and sharing knowledge. I know our crew enjoyed working with him as well. I’m also excited about Erin joining us in April, it’s great to see more and more women become part of our industry.”

When it comes to Yaki’s  favorite cocktail and meal?

“The Boulevardier, a boozy number, consisting of equal parts bourbon, Campari, and sweet vermouth. Certainly not a cocktail for the faint of heart due to its high octane nature, this negroni variation is a whiskey drinker’s delight. The vanilla from the bourbon interplays with the complex herb flavor structure of the Italian vermouth, and the bitter citrus from the Campari keeps the drinker coming back for more.”

And for a meal, he can’t turn down, “A dry cured rabbit confit with beef tallow served with parsnip & potato mash, Lombardy-style sauce, and gremolata.”

Good luck Yaki, you’ll do great with the rest of your internship, cheers!